USB Outlets

USB Outlets

The average household today has more than four USB or mobile-powered devices. This number will continue to grow as the number of USB-dependent devices increases in 2017 and beyond.  

Upgrading your home can be done by installing in-wall USB ports, allowing you to add USB charging ports to your standard AC outlets, eliminating the bulky AC adapters that take up space on your wall outlets. With USB wall outlets, you can skip adapters and charge USB devices directly from the wall, without interfering with the AC outlets that are being used for lamps and small appliances.

If you want to be able to charge your phones, tablet,    e-reader, camera, smart watch and other electronic devices, you’re going to need a lot of different chargers or power strips. We can help give your walls a clean, clutter-free look with adapter-free in-wall USB ports that are ideal for tight areas, and decrease the likelihood of losing or misplacing your devices’ adapters.

Charging a device through another gadget can require a longer wait to get it fully charged. In-wall USB ports are connected directly to the power source, which means USB-powered devices can reach more than double the speed of a regular USB adapter.

The need to charge anywhere and faster in the home is a reality. There are now USB receptacles with fast-charge technology that will charge your devices up to 40 percent faster than any other 5.0V USB android chargers on the market. Update your traditional AC outlets to now include two USB charging ports and turn every room in the house into an ultra-charging station. But remember, installing them means getting into the electrical wiring; you want a licensed electrician to handle the work. You can thank us later when your kid is able to charge his or her devices without unplugging yours in the kitchen!